Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9228, aired 2024-12-18POLI SCI-FI $400: Located somewhere in the Rockies, the Capitol of this country dominates its 12 surrounding districts Panem
#9228, aired 2024-12-18POLI SCI-FI $800: George Lucas said of this "Return of the Jedi" guy, "Richard M. Nixon was his name. He subverted the Senate & finally took over" Emperor Palpatine
#9228, aired 2024-12-18POLI SCI-FI $1200: Secretary of Education Laura Roslin suddenly ascends to the presidency of the 12 Colonies on this series Battlestar Galactica
#9228, aired 2024-12-18POLI SCI-FI $1600: This "Star Trek" organization, the UFP for short, has a president, a Federal Council & a Supreme Court the United Federation of Planets
#9228, aired 2024-12-18POLI SCI-FI $2000: A prominent member of the Ape National Assembly, this doctor is both Minister of Science & Chief Defender of the Faith Dr. Zaius

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