Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7955, aired 2019-03-22PLEASE BEAR WITH THESE MOVIES $400: 2018's "Christopher Robin" had Jim Cummings as the voice of this bear & Tigger too (Winnie the) Pooh
#7955, aired 2019-03-22PLEASE BEAR WITH THESE MOVIES $800: There were no bears on the set of this film--the mama grizzly that attacked Leonardo DiCaprio was a CG effect The Revenant
#7955, aired 2019-03-22PLEASE BEAR WITH THESE MOVIES $1200: In a 2018 film this bear is framed for a crime & winds up in prison, where he makes marmalade sandwiches for the other prisoners Paddington
#7955, aired 2019-03-22PLEASE BEAR WITH THESE MOVIES $1600: Ted, Mark Wahlberg's foul-mouthed teddy bear that came to life, was voiced by this guy Seth MacFarlane
#7955, aired 2019-03-22PLEASE BEAR WITH THESE MOVIES $2000: Bill Murray voiced this bear in the 2016 version of "The Jungle Book" Baloo

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