Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7464, aired 2017-02-09 | PLAYING TRIBUTE $200: Hell's Belles is an all-female tribute to this all-male band AC/DC |
#7464, aired 2017-02-09 | PLAYING TRIBUTE $400: Who's Bad bills itself as "an unrivaled celebration of pop music's one true king"-- this man Michael Jackson |
#7464, aired 2017-02-09 | PLAYING TRIBUTE $600: It's not just hearsay--L.A. & Liverpool both have bands named for this 1977 Fleetwood Mac album Rumours |
#7464, aired 2017-02-09 | PLAYING TRIBUTE $800: The Fillers & Hot Fuss are U.K. bands that pay tribute to this Las Vegas quartet The Killers |
#7464, aired 2017-02-09 | PLAYING TRIBUTE $1000: Candy-O revs up the hits from these rockers The Cars |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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