Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#6829, aired 2014-05-01PLAYING AT THE CASINO $200: Some say to split 2 8s you're dealt in this game, as 16 isn't so good, but don't split 10s! blackjack
#6829, aired 2014-05-01PLAYING AT THE CASINO $400: In 2013 the Mohegan Sun said, "Welcome to paradise" to see this pop-punk trio; I hope they had the time of their lives Green Day
#6829, aired 2014-05-01PLAYING AT THE CASINO $400: Derniere douzaine, rouge & noir are part of European layouts on this wheel...! of...! fortune! roulette
#6829, aired 2014-05-01PLAYING AT THE CASINO $600: The shooter must place at least one bet--pass or don't pass--before the first play in this game; get the point? craps
#6829, aired 2014-05-01PLAYING AT THE CASINO $800: This MGM Grand illusionist might make the nearby Statue of Liberty disappear; he's done it to a bigger one David Copperfield
#6829, aired 2014-05-01PLAYING AT THE CASINO $800: Change 1 letter in the name of a Nevada city to get this game where 20 balls are chosen among 80 keno
#6829, aired 2014-05-01PLAYING AT THE CASINO $1000: A 5-card stud spin-off, this 3-word game sees the player getting dealt 3 cards; the dealer's 2 are community Let It Ride
#6829, aired 2014-05-01PLAYING AT THE CASINO $1200: If you wanna go back in time, here's "The News", fronted by this guy at Morongo Casino in May 2013 Huey Lewis
#6829, aired 2014-05-01PLAYING AT THE CASINO $1600: A superstar of country with 75 mil. album sales, she is "still the one" to have an extended run at Caesars in Vegas Shania Twain
#6829, aired 2014-05-01PLAYING AT THE CASINO $2000: "Oh my God"! On Sept. 1, 2012 this Emmy-winning comic headlined "initially" at the Trump Taj Mahal Louis C.K.

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