Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9219, aired 2024-12-05PLAY THINGS $200: Bert Lahr & E.G. Marshall were Estragon & Vladimir when this Beckett play opened on Broadway in 1956 Waiting for Godot
#9219, aired 2024-12-05PLAY THINGS $400: In 1980 this play was on Broadway with Ian McKellen as Salieri, Jane Seymour as Constanze & Tim Curry in the title role Amadeus
#9219, aired 2024-12-05PLAY THINGS $600: In 1967 this play based around a classic one debuted on Broadway & pretty much promised the 2 title guys wouldn't make it out alive Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
#9219, aired 2024-12-05PLAY THINGS $1000: Gooper & Brick return for their dad's birthday in this 1955 play that won a Pulitzer, but let's just say the party gets rough Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
#9219, aired 2024-12-05PLAY THINGS $2,400 (Daily Double): In an interview one of the 2 title characters of this play admits he let Americans down & his political life is over Frost/Nixon

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