Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6162, aired 2011-05-31PLAY MATES $400: Linda Loman is the supportive wife of Willy in this American tragedy Death of a Salesman
#6162, aired 2011-05-31PLAY MATES $800: Martha & her husband George host Nick & his wife Honey in this play by Edward Albee Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
#6162, aired 2011-05-31PLAY MATES $1200: Alice More, wife of Lord Chancellor Thomas, is a character in this Robert Bolt drama A Man for All Seasons
#6162, aired 2011-05-31PLAY MATES $1600: Tony arranges to have his wife killed to inherit her money, but she kills her attacker in this drama, later a Hitchcock film Dial M for Murder
#6162, aired 2011-05-31PLAY MATES $2,000 (Daily Double): Captain Keller & his wife Kate think that Annie's methods are too harsh for their daughter in this drama The Miracle Worker

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