Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)
#6365, aired 2012-04-27 | PLANT IT! $400: Fruit grows down from the top of the banana plant in clusters known for their shape by this anatomical name hands |
#6365, aired 2012-04-27 | PLANT IT! $800: In the 1610s John Rolfe fired up Jamestown's economy by planting this tobacco |
#6365, aired 2012-04-27 | PLANT IT! $1200: The rose seen here is named for this Bohemian couples' dance a polka |
#6365, aired 2012-04-27 | PLANT IT! $1600: Plant formation is determined by the p/e ratio, for precipitation to this process, showing how wet or dry an area is evaporation |
#6365, aired 2012-04-27 | PLANT IT! $2000: Metaphorically, to be annoyed is to be stung by this plant of the genus Urtica nettles |
#5028, aired 2006-06-21 | IT'S ALL A PLANT $200: Arkansas has made the pink variety of this its state fruit & its state vegetable, just in case a tomato |
#5028, aired 2006-06-21 | IT'S ALL A PLANT $400: Scientifically Hamamelis virginiana, this "bewitching" plant is used to make a soothing astringent witch hazel |
#5028, aired 2006-06-21 | IT'S ALL A PLANT $600: In Dutch, these tuber vegetables are known as aardappelen potatoes |
#5028, aired 2006-06-21 | IT'S ALL A PLANT $800: Arctic alpine plants include the saxifrage, whose roots manage to grow into these to anchor themselves rocks |
#5028, aired 2006-06-21 | IT'S ALL A PLANT $1000: The Great Basin bristlecone species of this tree can live for more than 4,000 years a pine |
#4717, aired 2005-02-22 | IT'S ALL A PLANT $400: This Louisiana state tree could use some Rogaine the bald cypress |
#4717, aired 2005-02-22 | IT'S ALL A PLANT $800: The strawberry is not a member of the berry family but is in fact a member of this garden flower family the rose |
#4717, aired 2005-02-22 | IT'S ALL A PLANT $1200: Andes Indians chew the leaves of this narcotic plant with lime juice for extra stamina coca |
#4717, aired 2005-02-22 | IT'S ALL A PLANT $2,000 (Daily Double): This Mediterranean fruit appears on the Spanish city of Granada's coat of arms a pomegranate |
#4717, aired 2005-02-22 | IT'S ALL A PLANT $2000: It's the Hawaiian good luck plant & it suits you to one a ti |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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