Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9218, aired 2024-12-04PLAINS, RAINS & AUTOBAHNS $400: Passenger cars ride for free on Germany's Autobahn, but since 2005, trucks must pay a maut or this a toll
#9218, aired 2024-12-04PLAINS, RAINS & AUTOBAHNS $800: The Central Magdalena Valley of this nation gets more than 100 inches of annual rainfall; is that why their coffee's so good? Colombia
#9218, aired 2024-12-04PLAINS, RAINS & AUTOBAHNS $1200: A95 runs between Garmisch-Partenkirchen & this Bavarian city, hosts of the Olympics 36 years apart Munich
#9218, aired 2024-12-04PLAINS, RAINS & AUTOBAHNS $1600: This U.S. city near the Pacific coast gets quite a bit of rain in winter & some seems to be moving in here Olympia, Washington
#9218, aired 2024-12-04PLAINS, RAINS & AUTOBAHNS $2000: A historic 1759 battle site, southern Quebec's Plains of Abraham overlook this river the St. Lawrence

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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