Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#3475, aired 1999-10-15 | PLACE NAME PEOPLE $100: Michigan's capital city bears the name of this man who was chief justice & chancellor of New York John Lansing |
#3475, aired 1999-10-15 | PLACE NAME PEOPLE $200: Not John or Bob but territorial governor James lent his name to this "elevated" western city Denver |
#3475, aired 1999-10-15 | PLACE NAME PEOPLE $300: This early settler of Charlestown, Massachusetts got a hill named for him; a June 1775 battle was fought there George Bunker |
#3475, aired 1999-10-15 | PLACE NAME PEOPLE $400: The seat of Montana State University is named for this "man", a brave &/or foolhardy pioneer guide John Bozeman |
#3475, aired 1999-10-15 | PLACE NAME PEOPLE $500: A Pennsylvania city is named for John Wilkes & this other British friend of the colonists Isaac Barre |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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