Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9212, aired 2024-11-26PIGEON FACTS & LORE $200: Homing pigeons delivered the results to the participating cities in these events in 776 B.C. the Olympics
#9212, aired 2024-11-26PIGEON FACTS & LORE $400: In "On the Origin of Species", he agreed with other naturalists that all pigeons descended from the rock pigeon Darwin
#9212, aired 2024-11-26PIGEON FACTS & LORE $600: In 1850 Paul Julius Reuter started a news service using carrier pigeons where there was a 76-mile gap of this technology telegraph
#9212, aired 2024-11-26PIGEON FACTS & LORE $800: This reclusive electrical genius claimed to be in love with a pigeon & believed the pigeon loved him back Tesla
#9212, aired 2024-11-26PIGEON FACTS & LORE $1000: For saving nearly 200 World War I soldiers with a message, the pigeon Cher Ami was awarded this French military decoration the Croix de Guerre

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