Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2, aired 2022-02-08PIER 5 $200: Seen here, South Africa's Umhlanga Pier has an archway named for this animal's bones a whale
#2, aired 2022-02-08PIER 5 $400: This ride on The Hague's pier in the resort district of Scheveningen is 50 meters tall with 36 air-conditioned gondolas a Ferris wheel
#2, aired 2022-02-08PIER 5 $600: At over 1,000 feet in length, Myrtle Beach's Springmaid Pier is one of this state's longest South Carolina
#2, aired 2022-02-08PIER 5 $800: Brighton Palace Pier can be found on this body of water sometimes called "La Manche" the English Channel
#2, aired 2022-02-08PIER 5 $1000: A pier in Cayo Guillermo, Cuba is named for this American author who was known to fish in its waters (Ernest) Hemingway

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