Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#9213, aired 2024-11-27PICTURE THE FILM $200: A classic from 1980 Raging Bull
#9213, aired 2024-11-27PICTURE THE FILM $400: It was the highest-grossing film of 2008 The Dark Knight
#9213, aired 2024-11-27PICTURE THE FILM $600: It tells the true story of a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation Spotlight
#9213, aired 2024-11-27PICTURE THE FILM $800: A nearly 4-hour-long Western, one of Hollywood's biggest bombs Heaven's Gate
#9213, aired 2024-11-27PICTURE THE FILM $1000: A 1986 Oliver Stone film Platoon
#9102, aired 2024-05-14PICTURE THE 21st CENTURY FILM $200: A "Marvel"ous movie Black Panther
#9102, aired 2024-05-14PICTURE THE 21st CENTURY FILM $400: From 2019 Knives Out
#9102, aired 2024-05-14PICTURE THE 21st CENTURY FILM $600: A Best Picture Oscar winner Moonlight
#9102, aired 2024-05-14PICTURE THE 21st CENTURY FILM $800: Hurry, get in Baby Driver
#9102, aired 2024-05-14PICTURE THE 21st CENTURY FILM $1000: A 2013 film starring Cate Blanchett Blue Jasmine

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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