Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#28, aired 2025-01-15PICTURE THE BOOK $100: Jane Austin's 1815 novel about precocious Miss Woodhouse, or the first name of this actress Emma
#28, aired 2025-01-15PICTURE THE BOOK $200: Frank Herbert's sci-fi epic on Arrakis, or this desert feature Dune
#28, aired 2025-01-15PICTURE THE BOOK $300: George Orwell's dystopian fable, or the year this photo was taken 1984
#28, aired 2025-01-15PICTURE THE BOOK $400: James Joyce's lengthy tale that takes place in one day, or the preferred first name of this president Ulysses
#28, aired 2025-01-15PICTURE THE BOOK $500: Walt Whitman's 1855 collection of poems, or these things billowing in the breeze Leaves of Grass

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