Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9220, aired 2024-12-06PICK YOUR BATTLES $200: Though this battle lasted only about 9 hours on June18, 1815, it changed the course of history Waterloo
#9220, aired 2024-12-06PICK YOUR BATTLES $400: Legend has it that a messenger ran about 26 miles to deliver the news of a Greek victory in this battle & then dropped dead Marathon
#9220, aired 2024-12-06PICK YOUR BATTLES $600: This January 1991 "Operation" set the stage for Operation Desert Sabre, which crushed Iraqi forces in just 100 hours Desert Storm
#9220, aired 2024-12-06PICK YOUR BATTLES $800: In the 1346 battle of Crécy during this war, Edward III & his longbowmen overwhelmed the larger French force the Hundred Years' War
#9220, aired 2024-12-06PICK YOUR BATTLES $1000: The largest naval battle of WWI was this one fought between Germany & Britain off the coast of Denmark the Battle of Jutland

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