Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2972, aired 1997-07-01PHILANTHROPY $100: Many philanthropies support these programs that send students & teachers to foreign countries Exchange programs
#2972, aired 1997-07-01PHILANTHROPY $200: Henry Huntington is famous for endowing one of these at San Marino, Calif.; Andrew Carnegie endowed 2,500 Libraries
#2972, aired 1997-07-01PHILANTHROPY $300: A person who solicits money for a charity, or a dinner he or she may organize for that purpose Fundraiser
#2972, aired 1997-07-01PHILANTHROPY $400: Your will may establish a charitable one of these, probably smaller than those of the Pew family Trust
#2972, aired 1997-07-01PHILANTHROPY $500: The word philanthropy is derived from Greek meaning this Love of man

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (2 results returned)

#6115, aired 2011-03-25PHILANTHROPY: The Pink Pony Fund, for breast cancer care & prevention, is a philanthropic initiative of this fashion company Ralph Lauren
#2056, aired 1993-07-12PHILANTHROPY: At the time of his death in 1937, he had given over $500 million to charity John D. Rockefeller

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