Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4338, aired 2003-06-11PET PEEVES $200: This pet doesn't want a cracker--she wants Kaytee's Perfect Choice, a mixture of seeds & grain parrot
#4338, aired 2003-06-11PET PEEVES $400: My dog Rover says not to boil the knuckle type of these before giving them to him--it may cause splintering bones
#4338, aired 2003-06-11PET PEEVES $600: Until they were spayed & neutered your Angora pair of these were looking forward to proverbially breeding like them rabbits
#4338, aired 2003-06-11PET PEEVES $800: Fido knows this skin disease caused by mites was bad, but was the lime-sulphur dip necessary? mange
#4338, aired 2003-06-11PET PEEVES $1000: Muffin's mad that you won't let him out to fight this type of cat, from the Latin for "wild"--Muffin could take him! feral

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