Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9238, aired 2025-01-01PEOPLE OF AFRICA $400: Early 20th century King Njoya, of the Bamum, defied colonial cartographers with his own map of his land; this, at the top, denotes west the setting sun
#9238, aired 2025-01-01PEOPLE OF AFRICA $800: Cattle are a big deal to the Nuer of the Nile region; a man is often called by the name of his prize this, a castrated bull his ox (steer)
#9238, aired 2025-01-01PEOPLE OF AFRICA $1200: The Hutu people are the majority group in this country & Burundi Rwanda
#9238, aired 2025-01-01PEOPLE OF AFRICA $1600: Lesotho minus L-E gets you the Sotho people; the Western Sotho are called these, another country minus B-O the Tswana
#9238, aired 2025-01-01PEOPLE OF AFRICA $2000: Ethiopia's 2 largest ethnic groups are the triple-O Oromo & this triple-A group whose name recalls a local language the Amhara

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