Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#3623, aired 2000-05-10PEOPLE IN SPACE $100: The June 1983 Challenger flight had the first 5-person crew, including this first U.S. woman in space Sally Ride
#3623, aired 2000-05-10PEOPLE IN SPACE FILMS $200: This star had close encounters in "Men In Black" & "Independence Day" Will Smith
#3623, aired 2000-05-10PEOPLE IN SPACE $200: After going to the moon, Pete Conrad & Alan Bean's next trips were to this U.S. space station Skylab
#3623, aired 2000-05-10PEOPLE IN SPACE $300: James Lovell went on 2 Apollo missions & 2 of these missions that had 2-man crews Gemini
#3623, aired 2000-05-10PEOPLE IN SPACE FILMS $400: Fictional TV series on which Jason Nesmith played Commander Taggart (& Tim Allen played them both) Galaxy Quest
#3623, aired 2000-05-10PEOPLE IN SPACE $400: With Deke Slayton grounded with a heart condition, this man got to be the second U.S. man in space Scott Carpenter
#3623, aired 2000-05-10PEOPLE IN SPACE $500: Astronaut Michael Foale was left in the dark in June 1997 after a supply ship punctured this craft's Spektr module Mir
#3623, aired 2000-05-10PEOPLE IN SPACE FILMS $600: Douglas Rain, who performed this role in "2001: A Space Odyssey", never visited the set HAL (voice of the computer)
#3623, aired 2000-05-10PEOPLE IN SPACE FILMS $800: In 1998 this "Party Of Five" member was one of a party of seven "Lost In Space" Lacey Chabert
#3623, aired 2000-05-10PEOPLE IN SPACE FILMS $1000: In "The Phantom Menace" she played Padme Naberrie Natalie Portman

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#4993, aired 2006-05-03PEOPLE IN SPACE: In 2005, as the shuttle Discovery prepared for landing, NASA played a Dexys Midnight Runners song in her honor Eileen Collins

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