Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3909, aired 2001-09-06PEOPLE FROM PLACES $100: Meaning "son of", the -ian ending is common among people of this heritage, like ex-California gov. Deukmejian Armenian
#3909, aired 2001-09-06PEOPLE FROM PLACES $200: We're not sure what one calls residents of this Indiana community where Larry Bird was born French Lick
#3909, aired 2001-09-06PEOPLE FROM PLACES $300: A term for this Mexican-American as in the "studies" that form a program at the Univ. of Texas-El Paso Chicano
#3909, aired 2001-09-06PEOPLE FROM PLACES $400: If JFK had been in Vienna on June 26, 1963, his declaration in German would have gone like this Ich bin ein Vienner
#3909, aired 2001-09-06PEOPLE FROM PLACES $500: Novocastrian is a posh name for residents of this British city on the Tyne Newcastle

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