Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6084, aired 2011-02-10PEEVED VEEPS $400: He said that if his successor, Joe Biden, "wants to diminish the office of the vice president, that's... his call" (Dick) Cheney
#6084, aired 2011-02-10PEEVED VEEPS $800: Returning from Europe in 1812, he entered the U.S. under an assumed name, Adolphus Arnot; oh yeah, he shot a guy (Aaron) Burr
#6084, aired 2011-02-10PEEVED VEEPS $1,200 (Daily Double): This veep lead the Democratic-Republican attacks against 1798's Alien & Sedition Acts Thomas Jefferson
#6084, aired 2011-02-10PEEVED VEEPS $1200: He initially didn't want to be McKinley's 2nd VP; he thought it would weaken him for a 1904 presidential run Teddy Roosevelt
#6084, aired 2011-02-10PEEVED VEEPS $1600: This Greek American published a memoir, "Go Quietly... or Else" Spiro Agnew

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