Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4098, aired 2002-05-29PEACETIME HISTORY $200: England's king stopped attending cabinet meetings around1715 & this position evolved to replace him prime minister
#4098, aired 2002-05-29PEACETIME HISTORY $400: In the 1960s & 70s this founding member of OPEC had the highest per capita income in Latin America Venezuela
#4098, aired 2002-05-29PEACETIME HISTORY $600: Between 960 & 1279 China's Sung Dynasty developed a merit-based system for entry to this "service" civil service
#4098, aired 2002-05-29PEACETIME HISTORY $1000: In 1967 Canada celebrated the centennial of this, from the Latin for "to unite in a league" confederation
#4098, aired 2002-05-29PEACETIME HISTORY $1,300 (Daily Double): The tax-cutting policy of the USA's 40th President gave us this 11-letter portmanteau word Reaganomics

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