Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7927, aired 2019-02-12 | PEACEFUL GUNS $200: You may find one of these aimed at you from behind a roadside billboard or at a pitcher on the mound a radar gun |
#7927, aired 2019-02-12 | PEACEFUL GUNS $400: AKA a deck gun, a deluge gun is used by people trying to fight these fires |
#7927, aired 2019-02-12 | PEACEFUL GUNS $600: Torque guns are used to remove these nuts on your car's wheel lug nuts |
#7927, aired 2019-02-12 | PEACEFUL GUNS $800: The Hurricane 400 type of this can launch 4 tie-dyes at a time into the stands a T-shirt cannon |
#7927, aired 2019-02-12 | PEACEFUL GUNS $1000: This alliterative pistol is used to shoot lubricant into the moving surfaces of machinery a grease gun |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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