Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9224, aired 2024-12-12 | PART OF A 7 ANCIENT WONDERS NAME $200: People pay to join & then get profits from later participants in this "scheme", which always works out well for everybody a pyramid scheme |
#9224, aired 2024-12-12 | PART OF A 7 ANCIENT WONDERS NAME $400: It's a tomb for 2 (or more, if they want to join in on the fun) a mausoleum |
#9224, aired 2024-12-12 | PART OF A 7 ANCIENT WONDERS NAME $600: A college in Philly, or a place of worship Temple |
#9224, aired 2024-12-12 | PART OF A 7 ANCIENT WONDERS NAME $800: Someone or something much bigger in size than others, like a certain X-Man colossus |
#9224, aired 2024-12-12 | PART OF A 7 ANCIENT WONDERS NAME $1000: Virginia Woolf took us to one in a 1927 book title a lighthouse |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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