Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#6718, aired 2013-11-27PAPAL NAMES $200: Popes taking office in 575, 855 & 2005 used this name Benedict
#6718, aired 2013-11-27PAPAL NAMES $400: Latin was made the church language by a pope of this name, Latin for winner or conqueror Victor
#6718, aired 2013-11-27PAPAL NAMES $600: A 20th century pope took this name to honor the popes who made him a bishop & a cardinal John & Paul
#6718, aired 2013-11-27PAPAL NAMES $800: The last pope with this name from Latin for "good-doer" died in 1404 Boniface
#6718, aired 2013-11-27PAPAL NAMES $1000: Reigning from 1471 to 1484, the fourth pope of this name had a certain chapel built Sixtus
#5797, aired 2009-11-24PAPAL NAMES $400: The constellation between Cancer & Virgo Leo
#5797, aired 2009-11-24PAPAL NAMES $800: Not guilty Innocent
#5797, aired 2009-11-24PAPAL NAMES $1,000 (Daily Double): From the Latin for "blessed" Benedict
#5797, aired 2009-11-24PAPAL NAMES $1600: The winner of a contest Victor
#5797, aired 2009-11-24PAPAL NAMES $2000: From a Latin word for "doer of good" Boniface
#5379, aired 2008-01-17ANAGRAMMED PAPAL NAMES $200: OLE Leo
#5379, aired 2008-01-17ANAGRAMMED PAPAL NAMES $400: BENT DICE Benedict
#5379, aired 2008-01-17ANAGRAMMED PAPAL NAMES $600: A DRAIN Adrian
#5379, aired 2008-01-17ANAGRAMMED PAPAL NAMES $800: A BURN Urban
#5379, aired 2008-01-17ANAGRAMMED PAPAL NAMES $1000: ELM CENT Clement

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#7491, aired 2017-03-20PAPAL NAMES: From the mid-20th century, it's the most recent papal name that's the same in Latin & in English Pius

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