Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (8 results returned)

#9226, aired 2024-12-16OUTDOOR CATS $400: A lot of the ocelots remaining in this U.S. state prowl around in the shrublands of the Lower Rio Grande Valley Texas
#9226, aired 2024-12-16OUTDOOR CATS $800: The long & flexible spine of this big cat acts like a coiled spring, allowing it to reach speeds up to 70 miles per hour a cheetah
#9226, aired 2024-12-16OUTDOOR CATS $1200: They're cats of the southeastern U.S. in the genus Puma; they're also the 2024 Stanley Cup champions panthers
#9226, aired 2024-12-16OUTDOOR CATS $2,000 (Daily Double): The documentary "The Velvet Queen" follows adventurers on the lookout for this rare cat in the Tibetan highlands a snow leopard
#9226, aired 2024-12-16OUTDOOR CATS $2000: The tufts on the tip of the ears of this small African cat are thought to help make it easier for it to hear its prey a caracal
#7099, aired 2015-06-25INDOOR & OUTDOOR CATS $200: After mating, the male of this big cat doesn't stay long with the female before he leaves for good, perhaps at 70 mph a cheetah
#7099, aired 2015-06-25INDOOR & OUTDOOR CATS $400: This breed with a Middle Eastern name has been around since at least the 1600s Persian
#7099, aired 2015-06-25INDOOR & OUTDOOR CATS $3,000 (Daily Double): As of 2013 there were said to be about 300 left of the Iberian this, which would also like to buy a vowel, Pat a lynx

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