Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9162, aired 2024-09-17OUT THERE IN RADIO LAND $200: In 1975 the FCC was a good buddy to users of this radio system, reducing the license fee from $20 to $4 CB
#9162, aired 2024-09-17OUT THERE IN RADIO LAND $400: Arr! In the 1960s these unlicensed stations broadcast from ships off the British coast to fans tired of the straitlaced BBC pirate radio
#9162, aired 2024-09-17OUT THERE IN RADIO LAND $600: Todd Storz, owner of KOHW in Omaha, is credited with pioneering this numerical hit radio format in the 1950s Top 40
#9162, aired 2024-09-17OUT THERE IN RADIO LAND $1000: In 2008 the Justice Department approved the merger creating this satellite radio behemoth SiriusXM
#9162, aired 2024-09-17OUT THERE IN RADIO LAND $3,200 (Daily Double): Robert Plant made a pledge to Portland's KBOO after hearing a DJ promise never to play this song if listeners donated "Stairway To Heaven"

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