Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7594, aired 2017-09-21OTHER HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES $200: November 24 is this day, honoring the publication of Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" Evolution Day
#7594, aired 2017-09-21OTHER HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES $400: Optimism abounds on February 11, National Don't Cry Over this 2-word problem Day spilled milk
#7594, aired 2017-09-21OTHER HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES $600: Party with your follically challenged pals on October 14, Be this "& Free Day" bald
#7594, aired 2017-09-21OTHER HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES $800: August 8 is National Sneak Some this summer squash (aka courgette) Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day zucchini
#7594, aired 2017-09-21OTHER HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES $1000: (2 unfittable lines precede) / This day's on May 12th / I like it, myself / & now it's on you to speak up National Limerick Day

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