Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (30 results returned)

#2, aired 2024-01-12MINING FOR "ORE" $200: It's a vibration of the soft palate while you sleep snore
#2, aired 2024-01-12MINING FOR "ORE" $400: Come one, come all to ye olde inn & enjoy our bill of fare & flagons of ale as in days of this yore
#2, aired 2024-01-12MINING FOR "ORE" $600: A germ cell, perhaps for a plant a spore
#2, aired 2024-01-12MINING FOR "ORE" $800: U.S. Navy rank abolished for good in 1986 Commodore
#2, aired 2024-01-12MINING FOR "ORE" $1000: Classical music greats Horowitz & Rostropovich each put out an album of tunes they used as these crowd-pleasers encores
#7588, aired 2017-09-13ORE $400: In its purest form, hematite is about 70% this element iron
#7588, aired 2017-09-13ORE $800: Galena, PbS, is the chief ore mineral of this grayish metal lead
#7588, aired 2017-09-13ORE $1200: Some gold ore is considered exogenetic, meaning it was formed in this layer of the Earth the crust
#7588, aired 2017-09-13ORE $1600: Cinnamon is a spice, not to be confused with this reddish ore of mercury with a similar-sounding name cinnabar
#7588, aired 2017-09-13ORE $2000: Magnetite is also called this "stone" & was used as a primitive compass lodestone
#7417, aired 2016-12-06MINING FOR "ORE" $200: It's a vibration of the soft palate while you sleep a snore
#7417, aired 2016-12-06MINING FOR "ORE" $400: Come one, come all to ye olde inn & enjoy our bill of fare & flagons of ale as in days of this yore
#7417, aired 2016-12-06MINING FOR "ORE" $600: The traditional tales of a people, usually transmitted orally lore (or folklore)
#7417, aired 2016-12-06MINING FOR "ORE" $800: U.S. Navy rank abolished in 1899 commodore
#7417, aired 2016-12-06MINING FOR "ORE" $1000: Classical music greats Horowitz & Rostropovich each put out an album of tunes they used as these crowd-pleasers encores
#6362, aired 2012-04-24ORE $200: Processing 10 tons of ore yields one troy ounce of this, atomic number 79; no wonder it's so darned valuable gold
#6362, aired 2012-04-24ORE $400: Add a letter to "melting" to get this method by which a metal is taken from its original ore smelting
#6362, aired 2012-04-24ORE $600: You'll earn more than 5 cents if you know that when it comes to ores of this, it's millerite time nickel
#6362, aired 2012-04-24ORE $800: This metal says Cu later to its chief ores, including chalcopyrite & chalcocite copper
#6362, aired 2012-04-24ORE $1000: When pitchblende, an ore of this element, goes to a mill, sulfuric acid is used to produce yellowcake uranium
#4991, aired 2006-05-01MINING "ORE" $400: Lincolnesque term for 80 fourscore
#4991, aired 2006-05-01MINING "ORE" $800: Meaning material or tangible, this adjective is from the Latin for "bodily" corporeal
#4991, aired 2006-05-01MINING "ORE" $1200: At the time of the 2000 census, this Eastern city was the 17th most populous in the U.S. Baltimore
#4991, aired 2006-05-01MINING "ORE" $1600: Applied to first-degree murder, it's a 2-word term for a predetermination to commit an unlawful act malice aforethought
#4991, aired 2006-05-01MINING "ORE" $4,000 (Daily Double): At 288 square miles, Sao Miguel is the largest of this group of Atlantic islands the Azores
#4498, aired 2004-03-10BEEF-ORE & AFTER $400: An 18-acre British capital fortress complex made of tenderized flank steak the Tower of London Broil
#4498, aired 2004-03-10BEEF-ORE & AFTER $800: A society where people of all races & cultures mix & enjoy a slowly braised cut of beef melting pot roast
#4498, aired 2004-03-10BEEF-ORE & AFTER $1200: A beef jerkyesque product named for Robert MacNeil's old news partner Slim Jim Lehrer
#4498, aired 2004-03-10BEEF-ORE & AFTER $1600: The thin round piece of ground meat who married John Astin hamburger Patty Duke
#4498, aired 2004-03-10BEEF-ORE & AFTER $2000: This Jude Deveraux romance novel about a man who appears attired in gleaming metal is one "Kids Love to Bite" A Knight in Shining Armor (Armour) Hot Dogs

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