Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#3580, aired 2000-03-10 | OPTIMISTS $200: On Oct. 25 of this year, the New York Journal headlined, "Experts Predict Rising Market"--oops 1929 |
#3580, aired 2000-03-10 | OPTIMISTS $500 (Daily Double): Optimistic 4-word phrase spoken by the title object seen here: "I think I can" |
#3580, aired 2000-03-10 | OPTIMISTS $600: On May 25, 1961 JFK called for the U.S. to achieve this goal by decade's end to put a man on the Moon |
#3580, aired 2000-03-10 | OPTIMISTS $800: Norman Vincent Peale's best-known work is "The Power of" this Positive Thinking |
#3580, aired 2000-03-10 | OPTIMISTS $1000: In 1989 scientists raised energy hopes when they claimed this nuclear reaction at room temperature cold/nuclear fusion |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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