Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (23 results returned)

#3322, aired 1999-02-02OPERAS & OPERETTAS $200: "Princess Ida" is "A respectful operatic per-version of Tennyson's 'Princess' " by this duo Gilbert & Sullivan
#3322, aired 1999-02-02OPERAS & OPERETTAS $400: Swiss composer Ernest Bloch's only completed opera is based on this play; the role of Banquo is sung by a tenor Macbeth
#3322, aired 1999-02-02OPERAS & OPERETTAS $600: Rudolf Friml could have called this 1912 operetta "The Lightning Bug" The Firefly
#3322, aired 1999-02-02OPERAS & OPERETTAS $800: This poet whose initials stood for Wystan Hugh co-authored the libretto for Henze's opera "The Bassarids" W.H. Auden
#3322, aired 1999-02-02OPERAS & OPERETTAS $1000: This title heroine of a Zandonai opera is tricked into marrying the Lord of Rimini Francesca da Rimini
#2716, aired 1996-05-27OPERAS & OPERETTAS $600: In a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta, Captain Corcoran commands this title ship H.M.S. PInafore
#2716, aired 1996-05-27OPERAS & OPERETTAS $800: Baron Zeta wants the wealthy Hanna Glawari to marry Count Danilo in this "merriest" of operettas The Merry Widow
#2716, aired 1996-05-27OPERAS & OPERETTAS $1000: Superintendent Budd is a character in this "Billy Budd" composer's comic opera "Albert Herring" Benjamin Britten
#2292, aired 1994-07-19OPERAS & OPERETTAS $200: Act II of "Die Fledermaus" includes a hymn to this bubbly beverage champagne
#2292, aired 1994-07-19OPERAS & OPERETTAS $400: Sancho Panza is a silent role in "Master Peter's Puppet Show", based on an episode in this novel Don Quixote
#2292, aired 1994-07-19OPERAS & OPERETTAS $600: "Trial By Jury" is this duo's only operetta without spoken dialogue Gilbert & Sullivan
#2292, aired 1994-07-19OPERAS & OPERETTAS $800: "Threepenny Opera" composer whose opera "Down in the Valley" is based on American folk songs Kurt Weill
#2292, aired 1994-07-19OPERAS & OPERETTAS $1000: Heinrich Sutermeister based his 1948 opera "Raskolnikoff" on this Dostoyevsky novel Crime and Punishment
#2099, aired 1993-10-21OPERAS & OPERETTAS $200: Title adjective that describes Marietta in a 1910 operetta by Victor Herbert Naughty
#2099, aired 1993-10-21OPERAS & OPERETTAS $400: This Homeric hero appears in several operas; a tendon was named for him, too Achilles
#2099, aired 1993-10-21OPERAS & OPERETTAS $600: Mascagni's opera "Le Maschere" premiered simultaneously at 6 of this country's major opera houses Italy
#2099, aired 1993-10-21OPERAS & OPERETTAS $800: Little Buttercup is the bumboat woman who sells her wares on this title ship H.M.S. Pinafore
#2099, aired 1993-10-21OPERAS & OPERETTAS $1000: Franz von Suppe wrote an acclaimed 1879 operetta about this author of "The Decameron" Boccaccio
#1991, aired 1993-04-12OPERAS & OPERETTAS $200: Massenet's opera "Le Cid" takes place in this city, a good place to find a barber Seville
#1991, aired 1993-04-12OPERAS & OPERETTAS $400: Haydn "strung" his audiences along by writing several operas to be performed by these toys marionettes
#1991, aired 1993-04-12OPERAS & OPERETTAS $600: In Act II of this Gilbert & Sullivan operetta, the title criminals yield in Queen Victoria's name The Pirates of Penzance
#1991, aired 1993-04-12OPERAS & OPERETTAS $800: This composer's opera "The Royal Children" also features a witch who lives in the woods Engelbert Humperdinck
#1991, aired 1993-04-12OPERAS & OPERETTAS $1000: Eurydice dances the can-can in Offenbach's operetta about this character "In the Underworld" Orpheus

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