Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9240, aired 2025-01-03ONLY BIRDERS... $400: Understand the value of keeping these, bins for short, always at the ready in case a new species shows up binoculars
#9240, aired 2025-01-03ONLY BIRDERS... $800: Know the frustration when a sky rat, a common "rock" one of these birds, is the only bird around a pigeon
#9240, aired 2025-01-03ONLY BIRDERS... $1200: Know that the lawn carp is a nickname used for the Canada type of this bird that's spotted in many urban environs goose
#9240, aired 2025-01-03ONLY BIRDERS... $1600: Only birders who brave the sea get a chance to spot pelagic birds, like the albatross & the little type of this 3-letter bird an auk
#9240, aired 2025-01-03ONLY BIRDERS... $2000: Can feel the joy from sighting one of the rarest of birds, the South Philippine dwarf this, a name Huey Long would love kingfisher

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