Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5579, aired 2008-12-04ON YOUR NERVES $400: The median nerve in your arm controls your pollex, better known as this digit your thumb
#5579, aired 2008-12-04ON YOUR NERVES $800: The vagus nerve, from the Latin for "wandering", is the longest of these 12 sets of nerves arising in the brainstem cranial nerves
#5579, aired 2008-12-04ON YOUR NERVES $1200: When you're talking about the C8 spinal nerves, the C stands for this cervical
#5579, aired 2008-12-04ON YOUR NERVES $2000: This cluster of nerves behind the stomach controls vital functions; a punch that penetrates there slows you down the solar plexus
#5579, aired 2008-12-04ON YOUR NERVES $4,000 (Daily Double): (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a diagram on the monitor.) Neurons receive impulses with these structures that branch out, giving them this name from the Greek for tree dendrites

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