Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9213, aired 2024-11-27ON THE TIMELINE $400: 1698: Sends his wife to a convent; 1721: Declares himself "emperor of all Russia" Peter the Great
#9213, aired 2024-11-27ON THE TIMELINE $800: 264 B.C.: This war begins in Sicily; 260 B.C.: The Romans reverse engineer a type of ship, the Quinquereme the Punic
#9213, aired 2024-11-27ON THE TIMELINE $1200: 462 B.C.: He helps introduce a form of democracy for Athenian male citizens; 429 B.C.: He dies of plague Pericles
#9213, aired 2024-11-27ON THE TIMELINE $1600: 1613: Kidnapped by Samuel Argall; 1616: Travels to London Pocahontas
#9213, aired 2024-11-27ON THE TIMELINE $2000: 762: This city is founded as the capital of the Abbasid Dynasty; 1258: Sacked by Mongols Baghdad

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