Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9223, aired 2024-12-11ON THE ROPES $200: From 1900 to 1920 this contest using a rope was an event in the Olympics, with a British team taking the final gold tug of war
#9223, aired 2024-12-11ON THE ROPES $400: Before the 1850s, these mostly hoisted freight as the ropes used could break; an Elisha Otis invention made them safe for passengers an elevator
#9223, aired 2024-12-11ON THE ROPES $600: From the French for "recall", it's the controlled descent of a steep slope by moving down an anchored rope rappel(ing)
#9223, aired 2024-12-11ON THE ROPES $800: Varieties of this plant include the sisal type, whose fiber is used to make rope, & the blue, whose sugar is used to make tequila agave
#9223, aired 2024-12-11ON THE ROPES $1000: This ovine knot used to shorten or strengthen a rope, uses a double knot in the middle & a half hitch at each end a sheepshank

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