Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5092, aired 2006-10-31OLD MAN RIVER $200: A western U.S. river, or Kurt Russell's eyepatch-wearing anti-hero in 2 John Carpenter flicks Snake
#5092, aired 2006-10-31OLD MAN RIVER $400: This man whose first name is also a Scottish river was killed by a police posse in Louisiana in 1934 Clyde
#5092, aired 2006-10-31OLD MAN RIVER $600: New Yorkers are familiar with this river that shares its name with the Roman philosopher who tutored Nero Seneca
#5092, aired 2006-10-31OLD MAN RIVER $800: This name appears on a list of the full names of Canada's prime ministers; it's also Canada's longest river Mackenzie
#5092, aired 2006-10-31OLD MAN RIVER $1000: Seen here, this man with a river's name chaired the Clinton transition team after the 1992 elections Vernon Jordan

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