Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4602, aired 2004-09-14OH, FOR PETE'S SAKE! $200: He was the son of Czar Alexis by his second wife Natalya Peter the Great
#4602, aired 2004-09-14OH, FOR PETE'S SAKE! $400: This man was the drummer for the Beatles before Ringo joined in 1962 Pete Best
#4602, aired 2004-09-14OH, FOR PETE'S SAKE! $600: Gray Davis succeeded him as governor of California Pete Wilson
#4602, aired 2004-09-14OH, FOR PETE'S SAKE! $800: In 2000 he won the Wimbledon men's singles, his 13th Grand Slam title Pete Sampras
#4602, aired 2004-09-14OH, FOR PETE'S SAKE! $1000: Dutch colonial governor of New Amsterdam who bought it from the Indians Peter Minuit

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