Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (21 results returned)
#7653, aired 2017-12-13 | OF "ORDER" $200: The cleanup hitter comes fourth on this list batting order |
#7653, aired 2017-12-13 | OF "ORDER" $400: The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not include fast food cooks among these other quick cooks short order cooks |
#7653, aired 2017-12-13 | OF "ORDER" $600: Whether in cadence or not, if you are "given" these military documents, it means "get lost!" marching orders |
#7653, aired 2017-12-13 | OF "ORDER" $1,000 (Daily Double): Originally observed in hens, it's the social hierarchy in animal groups pecking order |
#7653, aired 2017-12-13 | OF "ORDER" $1000: A Postal Museum article on these women says that the term "correspondence courtship" was also used mail-order brides |
#6103, aired 2011-03-09 | OF ORDER $200: Islands, from smallest in area to largest: Greenland, Cuba, Madagascar Cuba, Madagascar, Greenland |
#6103, aired 2011-03-09 | OF ORDER $400: Animals, from slowest to fastest: cheetah, donkey, peregrine falcon donkey, cheetah, peregrine falcon |
#6103, aired 2011-03-09 | OF ORDER $600: U.S. cities, from west to east: Newport News, Milwaukee, New Orleans New Orleans, Milwaukee, Newport News |
#6103, aired 2011-03-09 | OF ORDER $800 (Daily Double): Writers, from earliest to latest: C.S. Lewis, Sir Walter Scott, Christopher Marlowe Christopher Marlowe, Sir Walter Scott, C.S. Lewis |
#6103, aired 2011-03-09 | OF ORDER $1000: National leaders from north to south: Hugo Chavez, Julia Gillard, Barack Obama Barack Obama, Hugo Chavez, Julia Gillard |
#3868, aired 2001-05-30 | ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER $100: At the annual meeting, it's the officer who presents the complete audited financial report the treasurer |
#3868, aired 2001-05-30 | ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER $200: Deliberative assemblies may delegate preliminary work to standing or select ones of these Committees |
#3868, aired 2001-05-30 | ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER $300: "Furniture" name for the presiding officer at a meeting Chair |
#3868, aired 2001-05-30 | ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER $400: Personal opinions of praise or criticism should not be included in these official records of meetings Minutes |
#3868, aired 2001-05-30 | ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER $500: It's the motion made to have a temporary stop in the proceedings & perhaps send everyone to the playground Recess |
#634, aired 1987-05-14 | ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER $200: The usual order of business is calling the meeting to order, then reading these from the last meeting minutes |
#634, aired 1987-05-14 | ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER $300 (Daily Double): These 3 words are proper preface to a motion I move that |
#634, aired 1987-05-14 | ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER $400: Proper form of address to a woman chairman, whether she is married or not madame chairman |
#634, aired 1987-05-14 | ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER $1000: It is recommended that this advisory expert on rules "should not be an elected officer" parliamentarian |
#592, aired 1987-03-17 | ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER $200: This term means the presiding officer, not a La-Z-Boy chair |
#592, aired 1987-03-17 | ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER $400: Recording these is the job for which the recording secretary "punches the clock" minutes |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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