Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7540, aired 2017-05-26THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS $400: A happy place, or a numerical paradise above the Earth seventh heaven
#7540, aired 2017-05-26THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS $800: A feeling of intense pleasure, it's also a term for the transporting of believers to safety at the 2nd coming rapture
#7540, aired 2017-05-26THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS $1200: This word for great happiness is also a "lemon scent" dishwashing liquid joy
#7540, aired 2017-05-26THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS $1600: An alternate name for the god Jupiter gives us this adjective meaning cheerful & friendly jovial
#7540, aired 2017-05-26THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS $2000: It precedes "hand" in a word for giving an enthusiastic but not always sincere greeting glad-hand
#7139, aired 2015-10-01OF HAPPINESS $200: Happy baby, in which you lie on your back with your knees to your chest & hold your feet, is a pose in this yoga
#7139, aired 2015-10-01OF HAPPINESS $400: He had a way with words, enumerating our unalienable rights as "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" Jefferson
#7139, aired 2015-10-01OF HAPPINESS $600: The song "Happy" says, "Clap along if you feel like a room without" this a roof
#7139, aired 2015-10-01OF HAPPINESS $800: A book by him is called "Happiness Is a Warm Puppy" (Charles) Schulz
#7139, aired 2015-10-01OF HAPPINESS $1000: In 1997 this French-named cosmetics company introduced Happy, a fragrance for women Clinique

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