#6920, aired 2014-10-17 | OCCUPATIONAL LAST NAMES $800: In 1819's McCulloch v. Maryland, this Chief Justice said the Constitution would "endure for ages to come" (John) Marshall |
#6920, aired 2014-10-17 | OCCUPATIONAL LAST NAMES $1200: "Jazz Cleopatra" is a biography of this U.S.-born dancer who became a sensation in 1920s Paris Josephine Baker |
#6920, aired 2014-10-17 | OCCUPATIONAL LAST NAMES $1600: Years before making her feature film debut, this "Wedding Crashers" costar was a best-selling novelist Isla Fisher |
#6920, aired 2014-10-17 | OCCUPATIONAL LAST NAMES $2000: Before writing "The Vicar of Wakefield", this 18th century author studied medicine in Leyden Oliver Goldsmith |
#4757, aired 2005-04-19 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $400: This name of a "Sound of Music" actor has the same origin as the job of fixing pipes (Christopher) Plummer |
#4757, aired 2005-04-19 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $800: This one-syllable bookish-sounding name goes back to young attendants of lords Page |
#4757, aired 2005-04-19 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $1600: Schneider is German for this professional, & a Schneiderpuppe is his dummy a tailor |
#4757, aired 2005-04-19 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $2000: This name of a great opera composer could be anglicized as Wainwright Wagner |
#4757, aired 2005-04-19 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $6,600 (Daily Double): This common English last name indicates an ancestor who rounded wood on a lathe Turner |
#3231, aired 1998-09-28 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $200: People flock to see this actress named for her father Bill & grandfather Cy Cybill Shepherd |
#3231, aired 1998-09-28 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $400: This actress who was Pam Ewing on TV is someone you wouldn't mind staying after school with Victoria Principal |
#3231, aired 1998-09-28 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $600: In 1992 Dianne Feinstein & this woman fought their way to the U.S. Senate from California Barbara Boxer |
#3231, aired 1998-09-28 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $800: He served up "Erewhon" & "The Way of All Flesh" Samuel Butler |
#3231, aired 1998-09-28 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $1000: She danced at the Manhattan Club before she fired up audiences at the Folies-Bergere in France Josephine Baker |
#1617, aired 1991-09-17 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $100: "Twin Peaks" star Laurie or "Head of the Class" star Lara Piper |
#1617, aired 1991-09-17 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $200: New York-born Arthur or Jason; they both know the daily grind of playwriting Miller |
#1617, aired 1991-09-17 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $300: From this 39th president's last name, you'd expect him to be an expert in drayage (Jimmy) Carter |
#1617, aired 1991-09-17 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $400: He won an Emmy in 1959 for his role as Chester Goode on "Gunsmoke" Dennis Weaver |
#1617, aired 1991-09-17 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $500: This last name of "Dead Skunk" singer Loudon means wagon maker Wainwright |
#679, aired 1987-07-16 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $200: Charley, Dennis & Sigourney, for example Weaver |
#679, aired 1987-07-16 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $400: His bizarre rock act featured a boa constrictor & ended with his onstage "decapitation" (Alice) Cooper |
#679, aired 1987-07-16 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $600: The title of his early '60s TV series wasn't accurate...he didn't sing, just waved his arms Miller |
#679, aired 1987-07-16 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $900 (Daily Double): She's the only original cast member on "Dallas" whose name fits this category (Victoria) Principal |
#679, aired 1987-07-16 | OCCUPATIONAL NAMES $1000: In 1909, his North Pole discovery claims were discredited & in 1923, he was jailed for mail fraud Frederick Albert Cook |