Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4564, aired 2004-06-10OBSERVATIONS & CELEBRATIONS $400: Chinese New Year for kids is a red envelope day; they get 'em stuffed with this cash (money)
#4564, aired 2004-06-10OBSERVATIONS & CELEBRATIONS $800: In 2003 Christmas was celebrated during this Jewish holiday Hanukkah
#4564, aired 2004-06-10OBSERVATIONS & CELEBRATIONS $1200: The Queen of England's "official" one is on the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in June her birthday
#4564, aired 2004-06-10OBSERVATIONS & CELEBRATIONS $1600: Buddhists celebrate 3 anniversaries of Buddha: the day of his birth, the day of his death, & the day of this his enlightenment
#4564, aired 2004-06-10OBSERVATIONS & CELEBRATIONS $2000: When giving your pennies to UNICEF on Halloween, hold one back for this "Guy" 5 days later (if you're British...) Guy Fawkes

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