Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7307, aired 2016-05-24NYC TV $200: (Kelly of the Clue Crew gives the clue from the Lincoln Center in New York.) Sarah Jessica Parker actually swoons when Mikhail Baryshnikov tries to dance with her at Lincoln Center on an episode of this TV show Sex and the City
#7307, aired 2016-05-24NYC TV $400: A line from this Big Apple show is "There ain't no party like a Liz Lemon party 'cause a Liz Lemon party is mandatory" 30 Rock
#7307, aired 2016-05-24NYC TV $600: Part of this sitcom took place in 2030 as an older Ted told his kids a lot of NYC-set stories that defied the show's title How I Met Your Mother
#7307, aired 2016-05-24NYC TV $800: J-Lo deals with the FBI & NYPD on this "colorful" NBC show Shades of Blue
#7307, aired 2016-05-24NYC TV $1000: The crew of a NYC firehouse dealt with gambling addiction, alcoholism, murder & even ghosts on this FX show Rescue Me

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#7424, aired 2016-12-15NYC TV: In 2010, in its fourth season, this TV show shifted its primary setting to 6th Avenue, 2 blocks west Mad Men

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