Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9033, aired 2024-02-07NUMERICALLY PREFIXED $400: Longer word for the temperature scale with 100 as the boiling point of water centigrade
#9033, aired 2024-02-07NUMERICALLY PREFIXED $800: This term refers to walking & standing on 2 feet, like a T-rex or a human bipedal
#9033, aired 2024-02-07NUMERICALLY PREFIXED $1200: This type of multipart painting, like Giotto's 14th century work, can deliver a unity of subject a triptych
#9033, aired 2024-02-07NUMERICALLY PREFIXED $1600: Based on the 8 endpoints of the lines, a hashtag or pound sign is also known as this an octothorpe
#9033, aired 2024-02-07NUMERICALLY PREFIXED $2000: On their fourth day of confinement, the tale tellers recount stories of tragic love in this 14th century work The Decameron

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