Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8800, aired 2023-02-03NOW, WE DUEL $400: Seen here, film director Willy Rozier fought a duel over the negative words of François Chalais, who was this type of writer a movie critic
#8800, aired 2023-02-03NOW, WE DUEL $800: In 1791 he built a coalition against Alexander Hamilton's father-in-law to win a Senate seat; blood came after Aaron Burr
#8800, aired 2023-02-03NOW, WE DUEL $1200: Known as one of these "masterless" warriors, Miyamoto Musashi engaged in the Kyoto duels a ronin
#8800, aired 2023-02-03NOW, WE DUEL $1600: It came to shove in 1837 with a duel featuring Georges d'Anthès & this poetic but unfortunate Russian Pushkin
#8800, aired 2023-02-03NOW, WE DUEL $2000: Here's a depiction of King Turnus, clearly on the wrong side of a beef with this hero, about whom Virgil wrote an epic Aeneas

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