Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5161, aired 2007-02-05NOVEL SYNOPSES $200: A French curator is killed. Symbology Professor Langdon is called to help. Sophie learns her family history The Da Vinci Code
#5161, aired 2007-02-05NOVEL SYNOPSES $400: Holden is to be expelled from Pencey. Holden has adventures in NYC. Holden watches his sister The Catcher in the Rye
#5161, aired 2007-02-05NOVEL SYNOPSES $600: Jerry has a run-in with a gang, the Vigils. Jerry is told to refuse to sell chocolate for his school. Jerry gets beat up The Chocolate War
#5161, aired 2007-02-05NOVEL SYNOPSES $800: Roy gets shot on the way to a Cubs tryout. Roy turns the Knights around. Wonderboy breaks, Roy fails The Natural
#5161, aired 2007-02-05NOVEL SYNOPSES $1000: Paul & friends join the German army in WWI. The Kaiser visits the front. Paul is killed All Quiet on the Western Front

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