Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5295, aired 2007-09-21NOTES TO FUTURE CONTESTANTS $200: The only "S" in the name of this "Flying Nun" is in her first name; her last name is very, very singular Sally Field
#5295, aired 2007-09-21NOTES TO FUTURE CONTESTANTS $400: The "'S" comes after the 3rd word, not the 2nd, in the title of this Shakespeare play featuring Hermia A Midsummer Night's Dream
#5295, aired 2007-09-21NOTES TO FUTURE CONTESTANTS $600: It may have 22 chapters, but this last book of the Bible doesn't have an "S" at the end of its name, so don't add one Revelation
#5295, aired 2007-09-21NOTES TO FUTURE CONTESTANTS $800: The title of an 1891 Wilde novel is "The Picture of" him, not "The Portrait of" him Dorian Gray
#5295, aired 2007-09-21NOTES TO FUTURE CONTESTANTS $1000: Please, please, please put the "Y" before the "N" when we ask for this site of your vocal cords the larynx

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