Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#2959, aired 1997-06-12NOTABLE RELATIVES $100: This actor's father, poet laureate Cecil Day Lewis, wrote detective novels under the name Nicholas Blake Daniel Day Lewis
#2959, aired 1997-06-12NOTABLE RELATIVES $200: Last name shared by tennis player Rosemary & cellist Pablo; he was her great-uncle Casals
#2959, aired 1997-06-12NOTABLE RELATIVES $300: This country singer once starred on a TV variety series with her younger sisters Louis & Irlene Barbara Mandrell
#2959, aired 1997-06-12NOTABLE RELATIVES $400 (Daily Double): This actress' daughter Natasha Gregson Wagner appeared in the 1992 film "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Natalie Wood
#2959, aired 1997-06-12NOTABLE RELATIVES $400: Isaac Shelby, the first governor of Kentucky, was an ancestor of this Civil War historian Shelby Foote
#2849, aired 1997-01-09NOTABLE RELATIVES $100: Supermodel & L'Oreal spokeswoman Hunter Reno is this attorney general's niece Janet Reno
#2849, aired 1997-01-09NOTABLE RELATIVES $200: This founder of a Washington, D.C. institution was descended from King Henry VII James Smithson
#2849, aired 1997-01-09NOTABLE RELATIVES $300: Dennis Hopper's daughter Marin is the fashion director of this magazine whose name is a French pronoun Elle
#2849, aired 1997-01-09NOTABLE RELATIVES $400: This lyricist's father owned a chain of dress shops; there might be one "On The Street Where You Live" Alan J. Lerner
#2849, aired 1997-01-09NOTABLE RELATIVES $1,000 (Daily Double): Former First Lady Barbara Bush is a great-great-great-niece of this president from New Hampshire Franklin Pierce

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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