Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7781, aired 2018-06-11 | NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN $400: Ex-slave & conductor on the Underground Railroad who served as a spy for the Union in the Civil War Harriet Tubman |
#7781, aired 2018-06-11 | NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN $800: This artist began living in New Mexico in the 1930s, eventually buying a hacienda in Abiquiu with a large garden Georgia O'Keeffe |
#7781, aired 2018-06-11 | NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN $1200: "Always, Rachel" is a collection of letters by this author of "Silent Spring" (Rachel) Carson |
#7781, aired 2018-06-11 | NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN $1600: A 1917 Carnegie Hall audience heard her defend birth control, saying she was 1 of 11 kids, causing her mom to die young Margaret Sanger |
#7781, aired 2018-06-11 | NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN $2,000 (Daily Double): She coined the term "Lost Generation" for expatriate writers like Ernest Hemingway Gertrude Stein |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (3 results returned)
#9135, aired 2024-06-28 | NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN: In her autobiography she tells of a rather "singular coincidence", that one of her Swiss ancestors was a teacher of the deaf Helen Keller |
#7140, aired 2015-10-02 | NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN: U.N. delegate was one role of this woman who wrote, "I could not... be contented to take my place in a warm corner by the fireside" Eleanor Roosevelt |
#4937, aired 2006-02-14 | NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN: In 2004 & 2005 this former university provost topped Forbes' list of the 100 most powerful women in the world Condoleezza Rice |
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