Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8412, aired 2021-06-01NOT TO BE CONFUSED: HOUSEHOLD BRANDS $200: For oral hygiene, "C" the offerings from Crest & this brand that offers total SF whitening toothpaste Colgate
#8412, aired 2021-06-01NOT TO BE CONFUSED: HOUSEHOLD BRANDS $400: These 2 paper towel brands start with "B" & end with "Y" Bounty & Brawny
#8412, aired 2021-06-01NOT TO BE CONFUSED: HOUSEHOLD BRANDS $600: Brands of dish soap with female names include Joy & this one that touts its use to clean wildlife affected by oil spills Dawn
#8412, aired 2021-06-01NOT TO BE CONFUSED: HOUSEHOLD BRANDS $800: Noxzema came out in 1914, just 3 years after the launch of this snowy white skin cream whose name also starts with "N" Nivea
#8412, aired 2021-06-01NOT TO BE CONFUSED: HOUSEHOLD BRANDS $1000: Sealy mattresses started in Sealy, Texas in 1881; this other mattress brand introduced its Perfect Sleeper in 1931 Serta

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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