Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9248, aired 2025-01-15NOT ON MY WATCH $200: My watch shows the time, but not in these units abbreviated ms milliseconds
#9248, aired 2025-01-15NOT ON MY WATCH $400: A lunar phase display, yes; a 2-way wrist radio like the one introduced by this comics detective in 1946, no Dick Tracy
#9248, aired 2025-01-15NOT ON MY WATCH $600: It's got a glow-in-the dark dial but not one of these radiation detectors named for a German physicist a Geiger counter
#9248, aired 2025-01-15NOT ON MY WATCH $800: The movement uses a quartz crystal, not one of these transparent gem crystals prized for shimmering colors an opal
#9248, aired 2025-01-15NOT ON MY WATCH $1000: The housing is stainless steel, not this super-hard element No. 74 long used in light bulb filaments tungsten

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