Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | NOT FOR THE MONEY $200: You can help the elderly by driving, like Hoke does for Miss Daisy; you can help adults learn to do this, like Miss Daisy does for Hoke read |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | NOT FOR THE MONEY $400: A chair one of these may oversee a tennis match at all levels; the USTA gives awards for those who really do it for love an umpire |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | NOT FOR THE MONEY $600: Folks at the potluck will appreciate your meatballs or queso dip whether or not they're in this original brand of slow cooker a Crock-Pot |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | NOT FOR THE MONEY $800: Especially since a purge of old white ladies, the Art Institute of Chicago has openings for volunteer educators, aka this word a docent |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | NOT FOR THE MONEY $1000: In 1971 CSUN accounting professor Gary Iskowitz began VITA, a program still serving folks who need help preparing these (income) taxes |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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